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StudyColleges & Universities3 Canadian colleges shut, Advisory for affected students

3 Canadian colleges shut, Advisory for affected students

The abrupt closure of three Canadian colleges in Quebec province led to chaos among International students in Canada. These are Collège de comptabilité et de secrétariat du Québec (CCSQ) in Longueil, College de I’Estrie (CDE) in Sherbrooke, and M College in Montreal. Thousands of Indian students studying in these colleges started a protest to express their suffering to the Canadian government, asking them to intervene in the matter.
The Indian High Commission in Ottawa was approached by several Indian students enrolled in these colleges. Considering this, the Commission issued an advisory for these affected students on February 18, 2022. The High Commission has been in close contact with Canada’s federal government, Quebec’s provincial government, and the elected Canadian representatives from the Indian community to solve this issue and help Indian students.
The Quebec government advised the affected students to directly contact their respective institutions. If they face any difficulty in reimbursement or transfer of their fees, they should file a complaint with the Ministry of Higher Education of Quebec province.
Additionally, suppose Indian students currently in Canada require any immediate assistance owing to the closure of these Canadian colleges. In that case, they can contact the Education Wing of the High Commission of India in Ottawa or the Consulate General of India in Toronto.

The Canadian authorities also provide a grace period to students enrolled in these Canadian colleges already present in Canada. This grace period will enable them to seek admission to an alternative institution while in the country.

The High Commission also advised Indian students planning to pursue higher studies in Canada to be cautious while applying. Students must make thorough checks of the credentials and standing of the Canadian colleges where they plan to apply for admission and make any payments only after being sure. They should demand a certificate of recognition issued by the Canadian/Provincial government and verify that the institution is included in the Designated Learning Institutions (DLI) list published on the Government of Canada website.

According to official reports, the three aforementioned colleges have filed for creditor protection and blamed the Covid-19 pandemic for their financial crisis. However, A Canadian MP pointed out that other legal criteria were also not met by these institutions.
A similar incident happened in December 2021 as well, when Quebec’s Ministry of Immigration, Francization, and Integration (MIFI) declared that it would not accept new Quebec Acceptance Certificate (CAQ) applications from students going to the 10 DLIs that are under investigation. M College and CDE College were among the listed Canadian colleges. The suspension orders of the colleges were revoked later in January 2021, which led to the continued processing of applications and admissions in the 10 Canadian colleges.
This time, the three involved colleges initially announced a long winter vacation from November 30, 2021, to January 10, 2022. The authorities then asked the students to deposit their pending fees within one week before the break. The fee amounted to lakhs of rupees which many students paid through loans.
After the announcement of the sudden closing of these institutions, students were dreaded about their education and future. They demand justice with no other choice left by organizing a rally under the banner of ‘Montreal Youth-Student Organization’ (MYSO) at Gurudwara Guru Nanak Darbar at LaSalle in Montreal on January 29, 2022. They also handed a letter to the Minister of Education of Canada, the Indian Ambassador to Canada, the Montreal MP, and various opposition ministers addressing the matter.
Through the rally, the students demanded the refund of fees and visas for those in India, study permits and travel without any hassle to students who received their study visas. Along with that, they asked for an opportunity to complete graduation and receive the Certificat d’Acceptation du Québec. This is a mandatory document for students to study and work in Quebec province.
Students in India have also formed a nine-member group called the Indian Montreal Youth Student Organisation to seek justice in this regard.
Thus, catering to the situation and demands of students, the Indian High Commission in Ottawa took the required measures. The advisory brought some relief to the suffering students of these Canadian colleges.

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