Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program (MPNP)

Located between the provinces of Ontario and Saskatchewan, the province of Manitoba is in many ways the gateway to western Canada.Find out your eligibility for Manitoba nomination program | Canadian Visa News

Manitoba is located in one of Canada’s western Prairie provinces, Manitoba is a province built upon generations of rich agricultural production. Manitoba hosts the city of Winnipeg and is bordered on the east by the province of Ontario and on the west by the province of Saskatchewan.

The Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program (MPNP), a Provincial Nominee Program (PNP), is a collection of immigration pathways enabling foreign nationals to become Canadian permanent residents. The PNP is strategically designed to attract immigrants in areas that will benefit the province like skilled workers, workers in sectors with labour shortages, recent graduates, and agricultural entrepreneurs.

Note: Throughout 2018 and 2019 the province of Manitoba is implementing extensive changes to its PNP. All details and a schedule of changes are included in the MPNP Renewal section mentioned below. All streams will be experiencing changes, with some streams closing and new streams opening.

Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program – Renewal

Throughout the years 2018 and 2019, the province of Manitoba will be implementing substantial changes to its PNP streams. These changes are called the MPNP Renewal. It should be noted that different changes will come into effect at different times, so those wishing to apply to the MPNP should pay close attention to the criteria for various streams.

The MPNP Renewal will affect all four categories of immigration for the province. Each of these four categories will have separate streams to which a foreign national may apply for provincial nomination. As well, the province is introducing the MPNP In-Demand Occupations List (mentioned below), which will play a role in assessing the eligibility of candidates for Manitoba’s skilled worker categories.

Refer to the timeline below to learn more about what changes will be implemented at which times.

MPNP Renewal Timeline

Refer to the timeline below to learn more about the scheduled changes for 2018 and 2019. Please note that MPNP reserves the right to change the anticipated dates of changes without prior warning.

Change Date
In-Demand Occupations list used to prioritize Expressions of Interest (EOI) for inviting applications from the Skilled Worker Overseas stream In effect
“PNP-B” replaced by new Business Investor Stream In effect
New Skilled Worker Overseas Stream – Manitoba Express Entry Pathway criteria in effect In effect
Skilled Worker Overseas Stream – Manitoba Express Entry Pathway EOI draw In effect
Renewed Business Investor Stream (BIS) criteria in effect In effect
New International Education Stream (IES) criteria in effect In effect
Technical changes to MPNP Online application system Ongoing
Renewed Skilled Worker Overseas Stream criteria in effect 2019*
Renewed Skilled Worker in Manitoba Stream criteria in effect 2019*

* Effective dates are dependent on updates to the MPNP Online application system and are subject to change

Find your eligibility for Manitoba Provincial nomination program | Canadian visa newsThere are to be four streams under the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program, which includes a range of what the province is now calling ‘pathways’.

Skilled Workers In Manitoba

Skilled Workers in Manitoba encompasses three immigration streams designed to target workers who have already gained employment experience or offers of employment in Manitoba. Candidates for this stream must be currently working and living in Manitoba at the time of their application, or, in certain cases, they may be invited to apply after attending a recruitment session with MPNP overseas.

  • Skilled Workers in Manitoba Stream: This pathway is for applicants who are qualified temporary foreign workers and international student graduates who are currently working in Manitoba and have been offered a permanent, full-time job with their Manitoba employer. Learn more about the eligibility requirements for Skilled Workers In Manitoba Stream.
  • Manitoba Experience Pathway: This pathway is for applicants currently working in Manitoba with temporary work permits, including temporary workers and international graduates of Canadian post-secondary institutions. Learn more about the eligibility requirements for the Manitoba Experience Pathway.


Skilled Workers Overseas

Skilled Workers Overseas encompasses three immigration streams designed to target skilled workers who have the ability to join Manitoba’s workforce and adapt easily to life in the province. All streams of this category prioritize workers who have experience in Manitoba’s In-Demand Occupations.

  • Manitoba Skilled Workers Overseas Stream: The Manitoba Skilled Worker Overseas Stream uses a points-based system to assess candidates, who may be outside of Canada. Applications are accepted from qualified skilled workers who can demonstrate a strong connection to the province through family or friends, past education or employment, or by invitation of the MPNP, and who score a minimum of 60 points according to five eligibility factors. Learn more about the eligibility requirements for the Manitoba Skilled Workers Overseas Stream.

International Education Stream

The International Education Stream (IES) targets recent graduates from designated post-secondary institutions located in the province of Manitoba. Candidates for this category must have some amount of work experience or business management experience from the province, either completed after graduation or during their program of study as part of an internship or co-op. There are three pathways within this stream:

  • Manitoba Graduate Internship Pathway: This pathway is open to international students with a master’s degree or doctoral degree from a Manitoba post-secondary institution who are registered in internships that contribute to innovation in the province. Graduates who have completed an Accelerate or Elevate internship with Mitacs in Manitoba may apply to the program immediately upon graduation, with or without a job offer. Learn more about the eligibility requirements for the Manitoba Graduate Internship Pathway.
  • Manitoba Student Entrepreneur Pathway: This IES pathway provides up to 20 international students (each calendar year) who have graduated in Manitoba the opportunity to pursue and establish a business in Manitoba on a temporary work permit. If the applicant meets the conditions of their Business Performance Agreement, the applicant will be nominated by Manitoba for Canadian permanent residence. Learn more about the eligibility requirements for the Manitoba Student Entrepreneur Pathway.

Business Investor Stream

Manitoba’s Business Investor Stream (BIS) is a collection of two immigration streams designed for individuals with business management experience who wish to launch a new business endeavour in Manitoba.

  • Manitoba Entrepreneur Pathway: The Manitoba Business Investor stream is for investors and entrepreneurs who wish to purchase or start a business in Manitoba. Successful applicants to the Entrepreneur Pathway will receive a temporary work permit and sign a business performance agreement to purchase an existing business in the province or start a new business. Learn more about the eligibility requirements for the Manitoba Entrepreneur Pathway.


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