Alberta Opportunity Stream

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The Alberta Opportunity Stream (AOS) is a pathway for foreign workers working in Alberta want to live and settle in the province with Permanent Residence status.

The Alberta Opportunity Stream is a Provincial Nominee Program of Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program (AINP) operated by the province of Alberta. This stream targets the international workers, living and working in Alberta and who have an offer of employment to continue working full-time for an Albertan employer.

Eligibility Requirements

Express Entry Profile No
Connection to Province Work Experience
Job Offer Yes
Language Proficiency CLB 4
Level of Education High School
Work Experience 12 months, minimum
Investment Requirement No

Connection To Province
Applicants must have a valid temporary resident status in Canada which authorizes them to work and also currently residing and working in Alberta. Please note that refugee claimants are not eligible under this stream. Applicants must have a valid work permit (not implied status or restoration status) for an eligible occupation. This can be based on any one of the following basis:

  1. a positive Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA)
  2. a valid LMIA-exemption or people taking part in International Experience Canada, as determined by IRCC
  3. Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP). If the candidate holding the PGWD, must meet additional requirements:
    • The candidate must have met the graduation requirement for an Alberta Advanced Education approved credentials.
    • The candidate must have an Alberta credential featured on the AOS list of Alberta Advanced Education Approved Post-Secondary Credentials. Please note that any Alberta educational program not included in this list will be accepted as long as the student was admitted prior to April 1st, 2019. Any students admitted after this date must meet the AAE Approved Post-Secondary Credentials list requirement.
    • The applicant must be currently in an occupation related to his or her field of study in Alberta.

Job Offer

At the time an application is submitted to AINP and at the time the application is assessed, the applicant must be working in an eligible occupation in Alberta which matches their previous work experience. Post-Graduation Work Permit holders must also be working in an occupation related to their field of study in Alberta. The applicant must have a valid job offer from an Alberta employer to work in his or her current occupation. The applicant must be working full-time for the employer in Alberta. Also, the applicant must possess the required licensing, registration or certification to work in his or her current occupation in Alberta.

The job offer must:

  • be for continuous, paid work, full-time work, defined as a minimum of 30 hours/week for 12 months or more for an eligible AINP occupation;
  • be signed by the applicant and the Alberta employer;
  • offer employment for 12 months or more;
  • offer work in the applicant’s current occupation; and
  • offer work in an eligible AINP occupation for which an applicant has a work permit that meets the AINP work permit requirements.

Job offers for the following conditions are considered ineligible:

  • part-time employees, regardless of their working hours;
  • independent contractors, business owners or temporary agency workers, including individuals listed as Directors, Shareholders or Agents of the Alberta employer on the Corporate Registry System (CORES);
  • employees who work in Alberta in a place of employment that is not zoned for commercial or industrial operations, such as a home-based business; or
  • employees who do not work on premises in Alberta, such as those who work in a “virtual” location or serve the employer by telecommuting from a location outside Alberta.

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Occupation Requirement

Applicants must be employed in an eligible occupation, when your application is postmarked, and when the AINP assesses the application. The AINP will still check whether candidates are being paid the provincial minimum wage and whether they’re being paid the minimum wage for their occupation, set out in their Labour Market Impact Assessment.

Most jobs with a National Occupational Classification (NOC) level of 0, A, B, C, or D are considered eligible. View the table below to see exceptions.

NOC NOC Skill Level Occupation Title
0011 0 Legislators
0422 0 School Principals and Administrators of Elementary and Secondary Education
0423 0 Managers in Social, Community and Correctional Services
0432 0 Fire Chiefs and Senior Firefighting Officers
0651 0 Escort Agency Managers, Massage Parlour Managers
4031 A Secondary School Teachers
4032 A Elementary School and Kindergarten Teachers
4154 A Professional Occupations in Religion
5121 A Authors and Writers
5133 A Musicians and Singers
5135 A Actors and Comedians
5136 A Painters, Sculptors and Other Visual Artists
1227 B Court Officers and Justices of the Peace
3223 B Dental Laboratory Bench Workers
4214 B Early Childhood Educators and Assistants (only those without certification as a Child Development Worker (Level 2) or Child Development Supervisor (Level 3) through Alberta Children’s Services – Child Care Staff Certification Office)*
4216 B Other Instructors
4217 B Other Religious Occupations
5232 B Other Performers, n.e.c.
5244 B Artisans and Craftspersons
5251 B Athletes
6232 B Real Estate Agents and Salespersons
4411 C Home Child Care Providers
4412 C Home Support Workers, Housekeepers and Related Occupations
4413 C Elementary and Secondary School Teacher Assistants
6533 C Casino Occupations
6564 C Other Personal Service Occupations
7513 C Taxi and Limousine Drivers and Chauffeurs
8442 C Trappers and Hunters
6623 C Other Sales Related Occupations
6722 C Operators and Attendants in Amusement, Recreation and Sport
6742 D Other Service Support Occupations, n.e.c.
8611 D Harvesting Labourers
8612 D Landscaping and Grounds Maintenance Labourers
8613 D Aquaculture and Marine Harvest Labourers
8614 D Mine Labourers

There are additional occupations that are considered ineligible for applicants on a Post-Graduation Work Permit. These occupations are not in demand in Alberta and can be filled by Albertans and Canadians. If the applicant’s occupation is on the following list, he or she is not eligible to apply.

National Occupational Classification code Ineligible occupations
0112 Human resources managers
0211 Engineering managers
1215 Supervisors, supply chain, tracking and scheduling co-ordination occupations
1225 Purchasing agents and officers
1523 Production logistics coordinators
2113 Geoscientists and oceanographers
2131 Civil engineers
2132 Mechanical engineers
2133 Electrical and electronics engineers
2212 Geological and mineral technologists and technicians
2231 Civil engineering technologists and technicians
2253 Drafting technologists and technicians
7202 Contractors and supervisors, electrical trades and telecommunications occupations
7231 Machinists and machining and tooling inspectors
7237 Welders and related machine operators
7241 Electricians (except industrial and power system)
7242 Industrial electricians
7251 Plumbers
7271 Carpenter
7293 Insulators
7301 Contractors and supervisors, mechanic trades
7302 Contractors and supervisors, heavy equipment
7311 Industrial mechanics
7312 Heavy-duty equipment mechanics
7322 Motor vehicle body repairers
7371 Crane operators (except all-terrain crane operators)
8222 Contractors and supervisors, oil and gas drilling and services
8232 Oil and gas well drillers, servicers, testers and related workers
8412 Oil and gas well drilling and related workers and services operators
8615 Oil and gas drilling, servicing and related labourers
9232 Petroleum, gas and chemical process operators

Language Proficiency

Applicants must be able to demonstrate ability in English and/or French, as determined by a formal language assessment (CELPIP, IELTS, or TEF). The test must be less than two years old when your application is postmarked.

A minimum score equivalent to the Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) is required 4 in each skill. These requirements are lower than other popular immigration programs, such as the Federal Skilled Worker (FSW) Program.

People working in National Occupational Classification 0, A and B jobs can continue to apply with a CLB score of 4 until January 1, 2020. As of January 1, 2020, these candidates will be required to have a Canadian Language Benchmark score of 5. This change extends the transition time for the increase in language requirements for these candidates.


Applicants must have completed high school or a higher level of education. Foreign credentials can be assessed through an Educational Credential Assessment (ECA) firm recognized by Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC). Canadian credentials from a recognized institution do not need an ECA. In certain instances, applicants with work experience that qualifies them in a compulsory or optional trade, and who also have a recognized valid Alberta Qualification Certificate or trade certificate, may not have to obtain an ECA, even if they did not study in Canada.

Work Experience

At the time the application is postmarked and at the time AINP assesses the application, the applicant must be working in an occupation in Alberta which matches their previous work experience. PGWP holders must also be working in an occupation that matches their Alberta educational credentials. The applicant must meet one of the three following scenarios for work experience:

  • A minimum of 12-months full-time work experience in their current occupation in Alberta within the last 18 months; or
  • A minimum of 24-months full-time work experience in their current occupation in the last 30 months (can be obtained in Canada and/or abroad); or
  • For Post-Graduation Work Permit holders: A minimum of 6 months of full-time work experience in their current occupation in Alberta within the last 18 months. This occupation must be related to their Alberta education.

Experience must have been full-time (30 hours/week) – part-time experience will not be considered. As well, applicants must have the proper regulation, licensing, and/or status in Canada to perform the occupation legally.

Application Procedure

The Alberta Opportunity Stream is always open to new applications. Eligible candidates can submit an application at any time and applications are processed on a first-come, first-served basis. Interested candidates must prepare a complete paper-based application. All documents must be prepared in hard copy and submitted in a single envelope, by mail, to the AINP office.

If the province approves the application, Alberta will notify the applicant they have been selected for provincial nomination. Successful applicants will receive an official nomination package in the mail from AINP.

After receiving a provincial nomination, an applicant has six months to submit a federal application for Canadian permanent residence. Applicants in this program must complete and submit a paper-based application for permanent residence and submit it by mail to the appropriate application centre. Paper-based PNP applications for permanent residence are generally processed within 18 months

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