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WorkFacilitated work permits for Film and TV companies

Facilitated work permits for Film and TV companies

The Canadian government is making it easier for international film industry professionals to shoot on different locations in the country by providing them easy work permits. The reason behind this is that the Film and television productions are a huge source of jobs, revenue, and infrastructural development in any country.

Canada has made substantial improvements in the COVID-19 restrictions. Most of the travel requirements have been relaxed while many others have been completely lifted. With an authorized antigen test, fully vaccinated foreign visitors can enter Canada. Also, several provinces are removing public health restrictions such as mask requirements.

As a result, 2022 is shaping up to be another busy year for the Canadian film and television business. Across the country, Canadians are investing money into television and film. Nova Scotia’s premier will travel to Los Angeles from March 12 to 16 to meet with executives from Disney, Netflix, NBC, and other studios. In addition, a 300,000-square-foot film studio is being built in Burnaby, British Columbia.

Thus, Canada is welcoming international film and television companies through special LMIA exempt work permits. The country is also allowing producers to enter the country without a work permit, through Business Visitor Visa.

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No LMIA required for film crews

Foreign TV and film crews coming to work on a production in Canada will be exempt from the Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) process and requirement. Thus, they could get an expedited and easy work permit through the regular process.

Canada has two types of work permits: those that require LMIAs and those that do not. The LMIA’s goal is to show the Canadian government that bringing in a foreign worker would not have a negative impact on the Canadian labour market. It’s aimed to show that a foreign worker isn’t robbing a Canadian worker of his or her job.

Work permits may be exempt from the LMIA if the work will benefit Canada culturally, socially, or economically. The Significant Benefit Work Permit may be available to film and television crew members, performers, and other workers. An LMIA is not required for this work permit.

Workers whose occupations are considered vital to the production are excluded from the LMIA requirement and are qualified under the Television and Film Production Workers category.

The LMIA exemption is based on whether or not a person’s role is critical to the production. There isn’t a comprehensive list of “essential personnel” which makes the term’s definition open for interpretation. As “essential” might vary according to the situation, it is determined on a case-by-case basis. It depends on the facts presented to show that the worker is critical to the production. The occupation of a person is only one consideration.
For those who do need an LMIA, many workers in the TV and film industry may be granted a simplified process where the position does not need to be advertised.

Business Visitor visas categories

Producers, performing artists (in certain cases), and other essential personnel who qualify as Business Visitors do not need a work permit to enter Canada. To be considered as business visitors, professionals in the entertainment industry must fall into one of three groups:

  • Film producers – Producers who are visiting Canada to work on a film, television show, or documentary that has been funded by a foreign entity come under this category. Collaborations between international production companies and Canadian entities do not qualify for this since the project must be completely funded from overseas.
  • Essential Personnel – Those who are travelling to Canada to work on a commercial shoot that is being funded by a foreign company are considered in this category. These workers must be coming to Canada for a brief period of time, usually less than two weeks. The determination of what constitutes “essential personnel” is established on a case-by-case basis and is largely based on the production company’s evidence.
  • Performing artists – Artists who are appearing in a show, concert, or festival in Canada, or who are appearing in a guest role on a TV show or film shot in Canada come in this category. They may be considered business visitors if their reason for entering Canada is for a limited-time engagement. Performing artists may require a work permit only in the case of recurring, regular performances.
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